
Avatar: Makeup Tutorial for Fancy Dress

Fancy dress! Yaaay. I have a mild obsession with fancy dress and I absolutely love doing the makeup side of it.

The theme is... Film & TV. I contemplated doing a couple thing with my boyfriend but went against it in the end, mainly because the men's version of the outfit is rubbish. I decided on... Avatar. Awesome film and the makeup is going to be so fun!

I've seen a couple of fantastic makeup tutorials online and I was brave enough to have a go! I normally do a trial run mid week just to speed the process up when I do it for real but with the party being on Saturday this gives me enough time to make mistakes!

Here's a couple of other Halloween makeup I have done the past two years.

Lets start...

I recommend putting the contacts in at the start or just before you start going crazy with the face paint so you don't get any paint in your eyes. It's also beneficial because your fingers will be cleaner and plus your paint won't be ruined with streaming eyes! I don't wear glasses or contacts so I always find this bit really tricky (and I always give myself at least half an hour to do this because I'm absolutely rubbish at it!!)


I layered the paint. So I applied a thin layer and build upon that. I bought the Snazaroo face paint, its really purse friendly and excellent to use. I went for the Sky Blue and Turquoise. The actual costume is turquoise and the colour match is good.

I coloured my whole face in the turquoise blue then used the sky blue to add the stripes and shading.

I contoured my face, using the white paint on the center of my nose, forehead and under my eyes.

For the really dark blue sections I mixed some snazaroo black paint together with the sky blue. If you don't have black face paint a bit of black eyeshadow will do. I then added some definition to my nose by drawing two lines down the sides; starting at the brow and following the natural width of my nose. I coloured the tip in a light pink colour. I understand Neytiri has a wide nose but without prosthetics I think this would look a little weird so I kept it natural. You can define this with shading as much as you feel comfortable.


Next bit is the eyes. I didn't shade them too much. I went for a solid black eyeshadow and a black liquid eyeliner. I shaded the eyeshadow higher upon my eyelid than I would normally and blended it into the blue face paint. For the lower section I went quite dark and bold as I really wanted my eyes to pop!

Neytiri doesnt have eyebrows but I didn't want to use liquid latex to blend it into my skin so I just defined them as normal but with the sky blue paint. I applied some highlighter under my eyebrow arch.

I then curled my lashes and applied mascara. If you're using eyelashes go ahead and whack those on. I suck at this too. I rarely put falsies on so I need to practice more! I did use them for this one though.


Yep... back to the face. I like to apply then go back and touch up/apply more paint if I need to. I added some blusher and touched up some areas.

This is when I painted my face with white dots using a very small brush.

Makeup Tools Needed:
Facepaint (Sky blue, turquoise, white, black)
Brushes for face paint (varying sizes)
Blusher brush
Eyeliner (liquid - black or brown)
Eyeshadow (dark)
Eyeshadow (pink - for nose)
Lipgloss or Lipstick (pink)
Eyelashes (optional)
Eyebrow pen (optional)

Hints & Tips

- Are you thinking of buying the costume? I was worried about the sizing. Fancy dress costumes seem to have varying size guidelines; small can be extra small or large and it's a nightmare knowing what size to go for. I risked a XS and it's great. It's rather fitting on my derriere but that's probably just my behind being too big for the costume. The arms aren't as fitted and the length in leg is perfect for me (I'm petite).

- The attached skirt was terribly low and didn't cover any of my modesty so this had to be adjusted!

- Only paint the back of your hands else everything you touch will turn blue!

- Put your contacts near the start of your makeup application.

- Mould fangs the night before to speed things up

- Have babywipes at the ready for mistakes

- The blue will come off your lips easily some take the paint out for any touch ups.

Where did you get the costume & accessories from?

Rubies Official Avatar Costume (Cheapest I could find was on eBay, great service) - £29.99
Eyesbright contact lenses, Avatar / Lost Boys, £14.95
Scarecrow Fangs (on eBay link here) £11.95
Alien Ears (Headband) (eBay) - £3.99
Snazaroo Paint (in Sky Blue & Turquoise) eBay - £2.95

I'd love to see your Avatar makeup! 

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